This message highlights the Lion and Lamb character aspects of Jesus by contrasting the two. However, it also highlights the middle of His character look at His approachability and protection. The Character of God is revealed by looking at His Son. Real life application regarding overcoming death is the focus.
What is your image or picture of God? The message is a great introduction to the Character of Jesus and why this exactly reveals the invisible character of God the Father! Examining our Image of God is the central focus of this message.
Actually “praying” Jesus character back to Him unlocks fascination and joy in your heart! Examine 3 character events from Jesus’ historical life and explore how we can turn knowledge into experiencing God!
This message reveals Jesus’ goodness thru the eyes of Peter who sins and fails so often. You discover that Jesus always “instructs” Peter, sometimes “disciplines” him but Never rejects Peter. As Jesus treats Peter so He treats those who follow Him now. And using John 14:9 “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father!” Seeing Jesus’ goodness to sincere but failing followers reveals God’s goodness towards us and we seek to follow Him but come up short at times.
The focus of this message is 1) the tenderness of Jesus with the children, 2) the compassion of Jesus for the hungry crowd, 3) the approachability of Jesus that allowed James and John to ask for the absolute highest honor in this age or the next 4) the approachability of Jesus such that the children wanted to be with Him, 5) the protection of Jesus for Mary that shields her from Judas' attack and 6) the intensity of Jesus as He disciplines Peter severely but does not reject Peter at all.
The focus of this message is 1) Jesus' delight in the Father's wisdom that fills Him with joy, 2) Jesus' meekness and strength with the sinful woman at the Pharisee's house, 3) Jesus protects Mary's fascination and devotion from Martha's accusation, 4) Jesus sternly disciplines the disciples for wanting to call down fire on the Samaritan village, 5) Jesus is furious/indignant with the Synagogue Ruler for resisting the healing of the cripple woman on the Sabbath.
This message focuses on the power and the meekness of Jesus. I begin by developing Jesus appearance to Ezekiel and then contrast this to John 13 where He washes the disciples feet! There is nothing like the humility of God to open the human heart to worship and walk in the First Commandment.
Jesus longed to hold the little Children, His "heart went out" to the Window of Nain whose son died and He was moved by 'deep' compassion to 1) heal the sick, 2) feed those who listened or 3) teach the people. We find out that this is exactly what God the Father is like.
In this session we look at how Approachable Jesus is! He truly is the most amazing human to walk the earth! We open our heart to His protection of weak and sinful people. Lastly we focus on how patient Jesus is with the Disciples failures, sins and immaturity as they sincerely try to follow Him. This defines God’s Approachability, His Protection and His Patience. Then we realize that is how God relates to us!
This session focuses on why many people are offended at God… His anger. However, as we examine the life of Jesus we find that His anger is "clean!" Additionally we find out that His clean anger, His intensity and His fierceness results in the weak, the innocent and the rejected being protected! As we meditate on this the "offense" at God melts and we find we can trust Him more deeply.
This message to a group of High School students challenges us to think about where we are getting our ideas and values from. What about deriving our values from the Jesus and His excellent character? His tenderness, His fierceness and His protection.
A message to High School Students. Jesus weeps over Lazarus and Mary’s loss and Jesus fiercely confronts the Pharisees who object to the cripple woman being healed on the Sabbath.
A message to High School Students. If you want to know what God would do in a certain situation, look at what Jesus did in specific situations. Jesus’ humility to wash the disciple’s feet and Jesus’ fierceness to protect His disciples and silence the raging storm on Lake Galilee.
A message to High School Students. Jesus weeps over Lazarus and Mary’s loss and Jesus fiercely confronts the Pharisees who object to the cripple woman being healed on the Sabbath.