Jesus shows clean anger
Oh, I LOVE this character aspect of Jesus so much! I used to think all anger was bad, until I saw Jesus’ good anger when people were oppressed! His anger is clean and it brings positive change! His anger is rooted in compassion for people and it results in protection! Consider when the cripple woman was in the synagogue and the ruler told people not to come to the meeting place on the Sabbath to get healed but some other day. Jesus looked at the woman and felt her pain and said she’s been crippled like this for 18 long years. To him it was a “ years” not short years. He went toe to toe with the synagogue ruler fill with clean anger and resisted the ruler’s uncaring attitude about the woman! He protected the woman and then he healed her!
“If you seen me you’ve seen the Father.” John 14:9 Therefore, Jesus’ clean anger rooted in compassion and producing protection for the oppressed reveals God‘s clean anger, rooted in compassion and producing protection for the oppressed!