Jesus Protects the Woman Guilty of Sexual Sin
I would like to start the next mini-series on a character element of Jesus that I missed for the first 20 years of my Christian life. As you live life, pray and read your Bibles over the next couple months look for Jesus’ protection. Fascinatingly it starts showing up everywhere. And I find that it really warms the heart and stirs your spiritual life in wonderful ways. In first Corinthians 13:7 (the “love” section) it says, “Love always protects.” You may ask, “Where does protection fit in the Fruit of the Spirit?” (Gal 5:22) I suspect that protection is an integral part of “patience, goodness, faithfulness and also self-control” (4 fruit of the Spirit). What do you think? Review the Fruit of the Spirit. Where does protection fit in?
Let’s start with the passage in John 8:2-11 where the Pharisees want to kill the woman caught in adultery. The full text is at the bottom of this email (or post). This event occurs is in the temple courts. A woman is brought in who is guilty of not being sexually loyal to her husband. The Law in the Old Covenant clearly states that a person (male or female) doing this should be stoned to death. (Lev 20:10) Presumably this was to stop the evil and prevent society from decaying into anarchy. The Pharisees, however, are using this as a very clever trap for Jesus. Somehow they have caught this woman “in the act of adultery.” There is a lot of political maneuvering here, chiefly to destroy Jesus.
Regardless, Jesus’ actions are amazing. As they continue to badger Jesus with questions He stands up and lays out the real issue with “accusing” the woman and seeking her death. “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” On whatever basis they had of accusing her of evil, they are themselves are also guilty of evil. And so, with this statement, we see Jesus drop His shield of protection over the woman. It is wonderful!
The truly amazing thing about His protection is that she is guilty! She has truly violated her covenant of loyalty and oneness with her husband. Is he heart-broken? How has this affected her children? Do they weep? Is there an unknown man stealing her time and affections from her family? Jesus knows her guilt, and the pain it is causing those she loves most. Fascinatingly, He does not condemn her but protects her, so that, she might change (repent) and grow and live. Jesus says both “…neither do I condemn you” and “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
It is critical to see that 1) Jesus knows the truth of her guilt (and ours) and 2) Jesus doesn’t want to condemn her (or us). Jesus protects the guilty so that they (we) might repent (change) and grow in goodness. Jesus “holds onto” the truth but He also “holds onto” grace (John 1:17)
Take Away:
God Is Just Like Jesus:
John 12:44 says, “When he [a person] looks at Me, he sees the One who sent Me.” When you clearly see Jesus protection, you clearly see God’s protection. Since God is invisible He needed an “exact” picture of His character on the earth. That exists in Jesus alone! No other leader, teacher or supposed prophet in all of human history gives the exact picture of God except His one and only “begotten” Son, Jesus the Christ!
Jesus protection of the woman who is guilty of evil reveals God’s protection for her and for all people who are guilty of evil. His protection, while we are guilty, and change (repentance) leads us to salvation… eternally. All who respond to that protection are safe forever.
1st Commandment Prayer:
Jesus, I always thought of your protection for people who were “perfect” not for people like myself, who fall into various kinds of sin and evil. Seeing that you protect the woman caught in sexual sin shows me how you protect all of us! And you lead us to change and grow in increasing “goodness.” Knowing that you care about me and are protecting me gives me greater hope and trust inYou! I am getting a better picture of how you love me, protect me, and grow me in this life – because I will always be imperfect. Peter’s many failures and sins cause me to know you will not reject those who follow you. I love your protection!
Jesus Protects the Woman Guilty of Sexual Sin!