Jesus is Patient When Peter Fails to Continue Walking on Water
When we open the Bible to search for Jesus’ Character (vs. just looking for rules) we find that the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) gives us a great picture of character elements to look for! Let’s consider two of the Fruit of the Spirit: patience and faithfulness.
In Matt 14:22 – 33 we find the disciples rowing the boat across the Sea of Galilee and straining against the wind. Jesus approaches them, walking on the water, and they are absolutely terrified thinking He is a ghost or something unknown. Jesus tells them not to be afraid. Interestingly, Peter asks if He can come onto the water with Jesus. Jesus says one word, “Come!” You have to admire Peter’s amazing desire to “go for it!” (I suspect Jesus delights is Peter’s hunger and desire!) As Peter is walking on the water, he takes His eyes off Jesus and focuses on the wind and waves and begins to sink. He calls out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” And Jesus does!
Have you ever gotten half way out into something Jesus called you into and you began to sink? Perhaps a job, a relationship, or some type of ministry? You stepped out in faith and then something started to go wrong! Remember Jesus’ patience and faithfulness with Peter when you being to sink. Sometimes Peter succeeds. Other times Peter just messes up. At other times he fails. Sometimes it is outright sin. What does Jesus say? “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Think about that for a few minutes. Make a note of your impression of Jesus before reading further. Based on His question – what does Jesus think about Peter’s failure?
Depending on your image of God, you may hear various things. It is critical to understand “your image of God.” Then you know where to grow!
20 years ago when my image of God was heavily tainted by my Dad’s character of anger and accusation. In fact, the primarily thing I heard in this question of Jesus was accusation! “Peter you failed! I can’t believe you did that!” Just what my dad would say. Another one of my friends hears disappointment. “Peter, I am so disappointed in you! How could you do that?” Other reactions include disgust or rejection. “You have failed for the last time! I am getting someone else to lead the new church!” All of these are incorrect, dysfunctional, views of Jesus’ character… and, therefore, God’s character.
After studying Jesus’ character on a consistent basis, I now hear a little conviction but mostly instruction. “Peter, keep your eyes on Me. There is no need to doubt. You can do it.” Jesus doesn’t get upset with Peter or reject him for failing to continue to walk on water. Jesus is not “disappointed.” Nor is Jesus rejecting Peter. He knows Peter inside and out and loves Him with complete knowledge of His strengths and weaknesses. (The “key” has been studying how Jesus relates to Peter in all his blunders, failures and outright sin.)
Remember: “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father!” Since Jesus is patient and instructive… that means God is too. Our heavenly Father is patient with us and instructs us just like Jesus does.