Jesus is radically humble
Jesus is raw strength and humility combined! We know that he washed the disciples feet but it’s not what we think. It’s more. What do I mean? It was the last night before he died, he had just given them the sacrament of communion – the bread and the wine. He told them that he would die. Next, continuing argument breaks out, yet again, for at least the 3rd time among the disciples… “Who Is The Greatest?” The disciples are sinning in selfish ambition, competition, pride and arrogance! What does Jesus do? It’s right then and there that Jesus wraps towel around his waist and grabs a basin of water and kneels down and starts washing each of their feet. They are shocked!
Jesus serves them and washes their feet right in the middle of sin and pride during their argument about who’s the most important, who’s is the CEO, who’s on top of the food chain!
Power and humility find a perfect balance in Jesus.
He can heal a man’s eyes who is born blind, he can walk into Jerusalem before his death and confront the entire Jewish leadership about duplicity in their lives and then leave them completely speechless. He has absolute power over nature and can actually turn water into wine.
And then in a moment, right in the middle of a pride filled argument he can turn, stoop and begin washing his peoples feet!
John 14:9 say, “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.” Jesus is humility reveals the fathers humility! Does that make sense to you? God’s identity has humility embedded in the very center of it!