Jesus challenges
I love Peter walking on the water towards Jesus! Who even knows why Peter blurts out, “Lord if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Don’t you love it! Peter has such boisterous and exuberant faith! He has a great success here! In fact, he is the only disciple to get on the water to meet Jesus. Pretty epic! He walks for some distance. At some point Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and looks at the wind and the waves and freaks out. Ever feel like that? I sure have. Many times. You stretch and take a risk in God and then look around and say, “How the heck did I get here?” Well, Peter starts to sink. But it’s wonderful, Jesus “immediately” reaches out and grabs Peter. I love Jesus’ instant protection for Peter. Interestingly Jesus says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” The Message bible says, “Faint-heart, what got into you?” In years past when my image of God was more laced with fear, condemnation and rejection – I really had a hard time with Jesus words, mis-interpreting them as accusation and rejection of Peter. However, now, combined with many other passages about how Jesus relates to people, I can clearly see that Jesus was challenging Peter – in a good and wholesome way. He was saying something like, “Peter, you were doing it, trusting me! Next time, don’t get distracted. Keep your eyes on Me and you will go the whole distance!” And we know the outcome of Peter’s entire life. He did go the distance and even laid his life down in martyrdom to tell the whole world that Jesus is worth it all! Jesus was worth living for… but Jesus is so good, He was also worth dying for – instead of giving into the Roman government’s pressure and persecution!
Colossians 1:15 says,“ The Son is the image of the invisible God…” Jesus’ challenges reveals God’s character to challenge us to grow!