Frequently asked questions
Why don’t you talk about life application?
What About People In Authority Who Abuse Their Power?
I wanted to write Volume 2 for a number of reasons, but one was to correct some potential mis-understandings of Volume 1. I do not want people to read Volume 1 and think that every situation in life can be dealt with by patient instruction, challenge, correction without rejection and healthy discipline. These were the responses of Jesus to sincere but imperfect disciples who were responding positively to Him. What about different situations in life? What about situations where the people in authority are using there power to manipulate and oppress people in the workplace, in the home, in the political arena, Hollywood, regarding social justice or at the level of nations? Some of these abuse of power issues can be processes by examining how Jesus responds to the Pharisees. The Pharisees were claiming to be connected to God but clearly not using their power to serve the people as Jesus did but to manipulate, control and oppress them. Does Jesus respond to them exactly as He does the disciples? No! Jesus does reason with the Pharisee and instruct them. However, as they continue to refuse to listen to Him and own their sin, He confronts them with greater and greater intensity. His fierceness and clean anger over issues of injustice is revealed. Jesus does not go passive in the face of unrepentant sin. However, Jesus also reaches to the Pharisees time and time again. He eats with them, reasons with them, patiently confronts them and heals people in front of them to draw them. However, many of them refuse to listen and acknowledge their own evil, hypocrisy, and abuse of power. They create a regular pattern of hiding their sin instead of embracing His message of forgiveness and owning their sin to process it and ultimately align themselves with Him. Therefore, Jesus becomes more intense in His responses to the Pharisees over the course of His three-and-a-half-year public ministry. This culminates in Jerusalem during His last week as He intensely confronts and exposes the Pharisees publicly through His parables and dialog with them! Hence, I would not want anyone reading Volume 1 to assume that Jesus deals with abuse of power the same way He does to immature yet responsive disciples who are aligning themselves with Him. Issues of social justice, workplace abuse of power, religious abuse of power, Hollywood abuse of power – all are situations in which Jesus appears increasingly as the Lion rather than the Lamb, if there is not repentance. So, Volume 2 is meant to address some of these issues and balance out Volume 1. I cover Jesus’ different responses to the Pharisees, the disciples, and the general populace in Appendix Article #1.


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Clean Anger Chapter