Chris Sarris is the husband of Kirsty, and father of Luke and Isaac and their home is in Colorado. He became convinced Jesus was real in 1988 and that conviction transformed his life, leading him on in the pursuit of the character and nature of God.
This hunger to know God took him to Mexico, Nicaragua, Kosovo and England, which is where he met his wife.
He spent a decade of his life hanging out with junior high, high school and college kids and loved it. He has served in all kinds of churches: Vineyard, Evangelical Free, International House of Prayer, Episcopal, Greek Orthodox, Catholic Missions, and Unaffiliated, and has found great friends in all of them.
His passion is speaking and writing about the goodness of God as found in the person of Jesus and his joy is the same whether it’s for 2 people or 2000 people.
Recently he can be found in Starbucks drinking Earl Grey tea and talking to the guy at the next table about Jesus or working on his laptop keeping his IT consulting business running.