Dare I take another look at Mark 10:13-16? (The full text is below) This passage about Jesus with the children has multiple character elements of Jesus. Read the text and see how many character elements of Jesus you can find. Really, give it a try. Write them down.
In Luke 9:51 you find Jesus heading for Jerusalem and he has to pass through a Samaritan Village. He asks for lodging but the Samaritans learn that he’s headed for Jerusalem and reject his request. James and John are furious about this. They probably remember Elisha calling down fire on the 450 prophets of Baal (I Kings 18:16) and in […]
Consider the first entry. When Jesus cleanses the temple and drives out the money changers, the animanls and the entire system of extortion that was operating in the temple – you find out that the people are being protected from a money making system setup by the Pharisees and true worship of God is restored […]
This passage about Jesus holding and enjoying both the babies and the little children has many facets to it (Mark 10:13). Then again, we are talking about the very Character of the Almighty… there will be many dimensions to His infinite personhood!