The 13 Failures of Peter! Jesus loves imperfect people.

Here is a quick list of  some of Peter’s failures “off the top of my head”.

Read the passages and then notice that Jesus always 1) instructs Peter and 2) sometimes disciplines or corrects Peter, but Jesus never rejects Peter. Jesus always calls Peter into deeper Goodness.


Peter’s failures and sin reveal Jesus Character… and thus God’s Character. And, therefore, how God relates to us in times of weakness, sin and failure. He is good and patient!

  1. Peter doesn’t understand the Parable of the 4 Soils but is confused. (Just like us) Jesus instructs him in the meaning of the parable without rejection Matt 15:16

  2. Peter and the other disciples mis-interpret Jesus words about “Yeast of Pharisees and Sadducees” and think that Jesu is talking about “bread” (Just like us) Jesus repeats the phrase until they understand. Matt 16:1

  3. Peter & other the other disciple try to keep the children and babies away from Jesus. Jesus is indignant, but instructs them with a little child in their midst Mark 10:13

  4. Peter fails to “continue” to walk on water. Jesus catches Peter and instructs him, maybe a little discipline but no rejection Matt 14:22

  5. Peter, filled with selfish ambition (outrigt sin), argues with the other disciples about “Which one of us is the Greatest!” Jesus instructs them all with a little child. Jesus doesn’t have a melt down and get frustrated at them. There is no rejection. Jesus instructs them. – Mark 9:33, Mark 10:35, Luke 22:24

  6. Peter speaks up in a Holy moment on the Mount of Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah appear to talk to Jesus about His departure (or death). No one is talking to Peter. But he suggests it is good that he, James and John are there.. so that they can build 3 shelters or dirt huts for Jesus, Moses and Elijah Matthew. It is absolutely riduculous! There is no rejection, even from the very presence of the Father in the cloud. But there is instruction: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” 17:4 & Mark 9:5

  7. Peter speaks for Jesus, without consulting Him, and commits Jesus to pay the 2 Drachma tax. When Jesus finds out… He doesn’t reject or even correct Peter, but He instructs him. Matthew 17:24

  8. Peter resists the single greatest reason Jesus became a human: to atone for the sin of the human race. Jesus severly rebukes Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” However, note, Jesus does NOT reject Peter and doesn’t even demote him from leading the church.

  9. Peter resists Jesus when He says that He is going to wash Peter’s feet.  “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” John 13:8 Jesus instructs Peter, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”

  10. Peter fails to stand by Jesus side and falls asleep in the Garden of Gethsemanie right before Jesus is killed. Jesus finds them sleeping and instructs & disciplines them, “The flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. Pray that you may not fall into temptation.” But Jesus does not reject them.

  11. Peter denies Jesus with “oaths” and “curses” in a public arena. Matthew 26:74 (sin) (Jesus restores Peter. John 21:15-19)

  12. Peter is completely overwhelmed by his sin, self-discovery of his own weakness and quits the Apostolic Team and goes back to the only work he feels he can do… fishing. John 21 (Until Jesus restores him)

  13. Peter pulls back from the Gentiles & Paul in fear when some of the circumcision group arrive in Galatia – Galatians 2:11

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